Post Office Box 3703 Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Post Office Box 7831 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 880-7710
2004-2005 Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
2003-2004 Pre-Doctoral Intern in Clinical Psychology, Washington, D.C. Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center
1999-2004 Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, University of Maryland—College Park M.A., 2002, Ph.D., 2004
1994-1997 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: B.A. with High Distinction, Psychology
1996 Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI: Guest student
8/2011-present Licensed Psychologist (PSY 23273). Clinical evaluations and therapy services, spinal cord stimulator clearance, medical-legal, workers’ compensation, fitness for duty, agreed medical evaluations, independent medical evaluations, neuropsychological evaluations, and psychoeducational evaluations. Trained in CPR, First Aid, Disaster Response.
6/2021-present Staff Psychologist, Downtown Mind Wellness. Neuropsychological evaluations and psychoeducational evaluations.
6/2021-present Evaluating Psychologist, United States Veterans’ Administration (administered by contract group). Perform Compensation & Pension evaluations for military veterans. Determine psychological diagnoses and service connection.
3/2013-present Staff Neuropsychologist, CHE Senior Psychological Services. Neuropsychology evaluations and therapy services in geriatric settings.
1/2018-6/2021 Staff Psychologist, Best Me Psychotherapy, Inc. Clinical evaluations, neuropsychological evaluations, psychoeducational evaluations, and therapy services.
2007-2011 Licensed Psychologist/Psychological Assistant (license 2010; PSY 23273), Executive Mental Health. Forensic, neuropsychological, psychoeducational, and clinical evaluations and therapy services.
2006-2007 Psychology Associate, Maria Zimmitti Cohn and Associates. Neuropsychological, psychoeducational, and clinical evaluations and therapy services.
2004-2005 Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania. Performed neuropsychological evaluations and determined diagnoses of various dementias, ADHD, learning disabilities, and other disorders.
2003-2004 Pre-Doctoral Internship in clinical psychology, Washington, D.C. Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center. Treatment: Individual therapy with individuals with a variety of mental illnesses, including acutely ill psychiatric ward inpatients and individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder. Led daily inpatient and outpatient psychotherapy and psychoeducational groups. Assessment: Intake and diagnostic interviews for Psychology Service programs, administration and interpretation of personality tests. Neurocognitive Assessment: Administered and interpreted a variety of neurocognitive tests with a variety of patients, including geriatric and traumatic brain injury patients. Wrote reports, debriefed patients.
2002-2003 Externship in clinical psychology, University of Maryland at Baltimore and Baltimore Veteran’s Administration Hospital. Treatment: Co-led behavioral treatment group for dually-diagnosed individuals with severe mental illnesses (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder). Assessment: Administered battery of psychological measures (e.g., PANSS) to individuals with severe mental illnesses. Cognitive testing: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Wechsler Memory Scales-III, WAIS-III, RBANS.
2001 Training in cognitive and neuropsychological assessment, University of Maryland, College Park: Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, Psychology Clinic. Cognitive testing: Administered battery of cognitive and neuropsychological tests (including the WAIS-III, Woodcock Johnson-3, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Trails A and B, and others), interpreted results, wrote reports, debriefed clients. Supervision: supervised report-writing of students with less experience.
2000-2003 Therapist in training, University of Maryland, College Park: Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, Psychology Clinic. Intake: Administered structured clinical interviews and determined client concerns. Therapy: Hourly therapy sessions utilizing empirically supported treatments. Psychodiagnostic Tests: Administered tests including the Beck Depression Inventory, Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, and others.
1997 Crisis Line Services/Office Assistant, Dial Help, Inc., Houghton, MI. Clinical Services: Completed intensive training to increase empathy and problem-solvingskills, and to understand substance abuse, domestic violence, and other problems. Assisted crisis line callers with a range of situations. Administration: Improved and expanded organization’s resources. Assisted in creating on-linereferral system. Public Relations: Created informational posters regarding child abuse,elder abuse, and organization programs. Promoted volunteer training by creating a public service announcement and flier.
2011 – PRESENT Kari Tervo, Ph.D., QME, Clinical/Forensic Psychology/Neuropsychology Consulting and Expert Witness Services. California License: PSY 23273
Expert Witness
Workers’ Compensation
Agreed Medical Evaluations
Independent Medical Evaluations
Medical Retirement
Traumatic Brain Injury
Substance Use-Related Crime
Medical Malpractice
Expert witness services (evaluations, reports, exhibits, depositions)
Industrial medicine evaluations
Higher-level analyses (e.g., single-case research design, critical thinking)
Record review with critical analysis
Deposition preparation
Work product critique
Integrative summary exhibits
Rebuttals to opposing experts
Graphing of case data
Consultation with a variety of practices and companies
2006 – 2011 Forensic Neuropsychology Consultant, Executive Mental Health. Review, evaluate, summarize, and integrate pertinent information for forensic neuropsychology evaluations. Case examples include serial murder, adult/pediatric traumatic brain injury, sexual assault, and medical malpractice.
2014-present Qualified Medical Evaluator, State of California. Perform qualified medical evaluations in psychology with respect to work-related injuries.
2011-present Record Review, various practitioners. Review and summarize medical records from a variety of specialties for workers’ compensation cases, with a focus on history and factors of apportionment. Occasional supplemental report writing.
2009-present Medical Historian for several QME psychiatrists. Obtain history of workers’ compensation applicants, including history of injury, medical and psychiatric histories, and history in other domains. Narrative history, test interpretation, report writing, supplemental report writing, and substantive consultation.
2004-2005 Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania. Designed protocols and collected data examining aspects of memory in schizophrenia patients and normal controls. Utilized SPSS, Excel, and SAS in data analyses.
2002-2004 Student Investigator, University of Maryland, College Park: Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, Dissertation Research. Collected and analyzed interview and neurocognitive data examining neurocognitive characteristics of putative schizotypes. Ph.D. obtained December, 2004.
2000-2003 Research Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park: Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, Maryland Center for Schizophrenia Research. Clinical Research Interviewing: Administered Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, International Personality Disorders Evaluation, Family Interview for Genetic Studies. Debriefed participants. Neuropsychological Testing: Administered Degraded Stimulus Continuous Performance Task, WAIS-III, WMS-III. Coordination: Mass mailing, database organization. Data Analysis: Utilized SPSS and Excel in data analyses.
2000-2002 Student Investigator, University of Maryland, College Park: DoctoralProgram in Clinical Psychology, Master’s Thesis Research. Designed and implemented procedures for behavioral observation and interview study of parents and children. Trained raters/assistants. Created database and participant tracking system. Master’s degree obtained May, 2002.
1999-2000 Research Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park: Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, Maryland Center for Anxiety Disorders. Participant Screening: Obtained informed consent, administered battery of psychological measures, administered intelligence tests, performed structured interviews (e.g., Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule). Coordination: Obtained space for administration of research battery, scheduled participant appointments. Therapy: Group and individual treatment sessions for research protocol, facilitating peer generalization activities. Data Analysis: Utilized SPSS and Excel in data analyses, performed data rotations and statistical tests. Materials Acquisition: Performed literature searches and obtained academic articles.
1998-1999 Study Coordinator, Cocaine Infusion Lab, University of California,Los Angeles.
Participant Screening: Vitals, 12-lead ECGs, HIV pre-test counseling, lab ordering, extensive social history with emphasis on drug use habits, mental status exams, battery of psychological tests (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, Addiction Severity Index, Beck Depression Inventory, and others). Coordination: Coordinated activities between investigators and research assistants, attending and admitting physicians, nursing staff. Protocol Administration: Drafted and submitted informed consent forms, supporting documents (e.g., memoranda of understanding), and progress reports to institutional review boards and clinical research center. Communicated with hospital pharmacy regarding randomization and participant and experimenter blinding with regard to drug administration. Maintained progress of several ongoing National Institute on Drug Abuse-funded research protocols. Data Analysis: Utilized SPSS and Excel in data analyses and data compilation, performed statistical tests. Data Management: Working knowledge of Standard Operating Procedures guidelines, including FDA reporting procedures.
1996-1997 Research Assistant, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: Departmentof Psychology. Coded raw data into Microsoft Office programs. Utilized research skills for library materials acquisition. Prioritized completion of various projects. Used spreadsheets and word processors. Performed various office tasks.
Tervo, K. (2020). Shrink Think: Demystifying the Contributions of Medical-Legal Mental Health Professionals. Presented to the Board of the Los Angeles County Retirement Association.
Tervo, K. (2016). What’s going on with Mom? The Power of Neuropsychology in Differential Diagnosis. Presented as a case conference for CHE Senior Psychology Services (Los Angeles).
Tervo, K. (2007). The neurocognitive consequences of substance use and schizophrenia: Is there an additive effect? Neuropsychology and Substance Use: State of the Art and Future Directions. Ari Kalechstein and Wilfred Van Gorp, Eds. Psychology Press.
Tervo, K. (2006). How Shy is Too Shy? Social Anxiety in Children. Presented for the Maria Zimmitti Cohn and Associates Lecture Series (Washington, D.C.) and for the Mothers of North Arlington Lecture Series (Arlington, VA).
Newton, T., Kalechstein, A., Tervo, K., and Ling, W. (2003). Irritability following abstinence from cocaine predicts euphoric effects of cocaine administration. Addictive Behaviors, 28(4), 817-822.
Turner, S., Beidel, D., Roberson-Nay, R., and Tervo, K. (2003). Parenting behaviors in parents with anxiety disorders. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 41 (5), 541-544.
Tervo, K., Leung, W., Adams, K., Collins, L., Aghevli, M., & Blanchard, J. (2003). Neuropsychological characteristics of putative schizotypes: A comparative study. Poster presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Leung, W, Aghevli, M., Collins, L.M., Adams, K., Tervo, K., & Blanchard, J. (2003). An examination of the relationship between neuropsychological indices and the temporal stability of social anhedonia in putative schizotypes. Poster presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Aghevli, M., Leung, W., Collins, L., Adams, K., Tervo, K., & Blanchard, J. (2003,). The relationship between minor physical anomalies, social anhedonia and obstetric complications in the prediction of schizophrenia-spectrum pathology. Poster presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Collins, L.M., Biondo, K., Aghevli, M., Tervo, K., Leung, W., Adams, K., & Blanchard, J. (2003). Signs vs. symptoms approach to assessing schizotypy: An examination of the incremental validity of a behavioral rating scale. Poster presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Blanchard, J., Aghevli, M., Tervo, K., Leung, W., Collins, L., and Adams, K. (2003). Social anhedonia and schizophrenia-proneness: Initial results from the Maryland Longitudinal Study of Schizotypy. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, CO.
Adams, K., Collins, L., Leung, W., Tervo, K., Aghevli, M., and Blanchard, J. (2003). Do family environment and social support predict psychopathology in putative schizotypes? Poster session presented at the annual conference of the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, CO.
Tervo, K., Collins, L., Leung, W., Adams, K., & Aghevli, M. (2003). Global functioning and clinical characteristics of putative schizotypes in a community sample. Poster presented at the 7th annual Department of Psychology poster session, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Aghevli, M., Tervo, K., Leung, W., Collins, L., Adams, K., & Blanchard, J. (2002). Developmental instability, obstetric complications and psychopathology in a community sample putatively at risk for schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Poster presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, San Francisco, CA.
Leung, W.W., Collins, L.M., Adams, K.A., Aghevli, M., Tervo, K., & Blanchard, J. (2002). The identification of schizotypy: Examining the utility of combining neuropsychological and psychometric indicators. Poster presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, San Francisco, CA.
Tervo, K., Adams, K., Collins, L., Aghevli, M., Leung, W., & Blanchard, J. (2002). Clinical and individual difference characteristics of putative schizotypes: A comparison of community and college samples. Poster presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, San Francisco, CA.
Collins, L., Adams, K., Buchanan, A., Aghevli, M., Leung, W., Tervo, K., & Blanchard, J. (2002). The psychometric detection of schizophrenia-proneness: Examining the role of sex and ethnicity in a community sample. Poster presented at the 6th annual Department of Psychology poster session, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Tervo, K., Howard, C., Leung, W., Aghevli, M., and Blanchard, J. (2001). What individual difference factors account for the heterogeneity of clinical characteristics in putative schizotypes? Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Madison, WI.
Aghevli, M., Blanchard, J., Tervo, K., and Leung, W. (2001). Is there a schizotypy taxon outside the classroom? Examining the latent structure of putative schizotypy questionnaires in a community sample. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Madison, WI.
Tervo, K. and Beidel, C. (2001). A behavioral observation study of parental characteristics associated with childhood social phobia. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, PA.
Aghevli, M., Tervo, K., Leung, W., Howard, C., and Blanchard, J. (2001). Predictors of clinical psychopathology in a college sample putatively at risk for schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, PA.
Newton, T., Ling, W., Kalechstein, A., Uslaner, J., and Tervo, K. (2001). Risperidone pre-treatment reduces the euphoric effects of experimentally administered cocaine. Psychiatry Research, 102 (3), 227-233.
Tervo, K., Howard, C., Leung, W., Aghevli, M., Blanchard, J. (2001). Study participation rates and characteristics of individuals at high risk for schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Poster session presented at the annual Department of Psychology poster session, University of Maryland at College Park.
Tan, A., Kalechstein, A., Fiala, M., Lindholm, J., Vakulenko, M., Tervo, K., Newton, T. (1998). Cocaine-induced sympathetic activation associated with craving and immune function and subjective response. Poster session presented at the annual School of Medicine Research Presentation Forum, University of California at Los Angeles.
2021 First Place Winner, Creative Libations Performance Contest
2020 Grand Prize Winner, Grand Artique Grant Contest
2020 Featured Poet, Redondo Poets (postponed due to pandemic)
2019 Designated Member, Community Emergency Response Team—Redondo Beach
2015 Laureate Award, Best New Journal, American Amateur Press Association
2015 Featured Poet, Redondo Poets
2014 Best Speaker award, Toastmasters, International
2014 Third Place, Evaluator, International Speech Contest, Toastmasters, International
2014 Best Evaluator award, Toastmasters, International
2014 Best Speaker award, Toastmasters, International
2013 Best Speaker/Best Impromptu Speaker award (four time winner), Toastmasters, International
2013 Grand Prize Winner, American Express Passion Project contest
2002 Maryland Senatorial Scholarship
2001 Goldhaber Award, University of Maryland
1998 Program of the Year, Michigan Leadership Awards. For symposium entitled, “Affirmative Action 101: Understanding the Controversy.” As a member of the Michigan Student Assembly Women’s Issues Commission, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1998 Phi Beta Kappa
1998 James B. Angell Scholar, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1998 Class Honors, University of Michigan
1997 James B. Angell Scholar, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1997 B.A. with High Distinction, Psychology. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. GPA: 3.85
1997 University of Michigan Alumnae Association Scholarship
1997 College of Literature, Science and the Arts Scholarship, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1997 Michigan Competitive Scholarship
1997 Class Honors, University of Michigan
1996 Psi Chi National Psychology Honor Society
1996 Golden Key National Honor Society
Spring, 1996 One of six (of approximately 600) students to achieve a grade of A+ in Statistics 402 (Brenda Gunderson, Ph.D.; University of Michigan—Ann Arbor)
1996 University of Michigan Alumni Association Scholarship
1996 American Association of University Women Scholarship
1996 Class Honors, University of Michigan
1996 Michigan Competitive Scholarship
1995 Class Honors, University of Michigan
1995 Michigan Competitive Scholarship
1994 Lishinski Scholarship
1994 Michigan Competitive Scholarship
1994 Social Studies Department Best Senior Award, Houghton High School
1994 English Department Best Senior Award, Houghton High School