Although the assessment process is conducted in a serious fashion that ensures adherence to clinical practice guidelines, the scientific method, and institutional accommodation requirements, don’t be intimidated! Dr. Tervo wants you to feel comfortable and welcomed. Know any good jokes? She’d love to hear them during a break between tests! Have a favorite pop culture phenomenon, like a song, show, or meme? We can chat about that on breaks or in the wind-down to the testing session. Bring a favorite hoodie or sweater in case you feel chilly, load up your bag with some snacks, and let the assessment begin! And don’t forget—even though the testing might uncover some difficulties, your strengths will also be celebrated, so just relax and do your best!

Dr. Tervo will chat with you (and if a minor, your parent/guardian) prior to scheduling the evaluation in order to get a sense of what you’d like to accomplish with the assessment. For instance, let her know if you’ve been experiencing difficulties concentrating on your college reading material, or if you’ve been irritable ever since you’ve had a head injury. That will allow Dr. Tervo to select the assessment measures that best fit your situation.

Prior to your appointment, gather information that might be helpful for Dr. Tervo to review, such as report cards, writing samples, or medical records. You can send these to Dr. Tervo prior to your appointment.

The day of your appointment, you and Dr. Tervo will spend a little time talking about you, your likes and dislikes when it comes to school and work, and your goals. Then, you’ll undergo an interview about your personal history and potential psychological symptoms and cognitive difficulties. As a part of that process, you’ll fill out some forms. After that, you’ll complete a number of tests, such as mazes, puzzles, math problems, vocabulary measures, or memory tasks.

Do your thing until it’s time for your feedback appointment! During that time, Dr. Tervo will be busy compiling and analyzing all of the information you provided, along with your test results, to create a clinical picture. The feedback session will focus on your strengths and weaknesses, along with recommendations to help overcome your weaknesses (e.g., organizational strategies, medication referral). You may receive a psychological diagnosis, and you will find out if you will likely qualify for academic or occupational accommodations (e.g., extra time on tests, work environment modifications). You’ll walk out with a good understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as a comprehensive report that you can use for accommodations requests or as a means for comparison for future assessments.

Now you’ve shown your cognitive stuff, and you can leave knowing what your strengths are and how to work around your weaknesses. This will help you to set goals and envision the future that you want to create for yourself!


(310) 880-7710